Lucid Hybrid Mattress Review

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Are you in search of a new, hybrid, bed-in-a-box mattress? Then you might want to take a look at the Lucid Hybrid. The Lucid Hybrid has a combination of memory foam and poly foams, along with pocketed coils, that create a great balance of pressure relief, mobility, and support. 

But, does it live up to the hype? I decided to test out the mattress for myself, so you don’t have to! Here at Sleepopolis, we conduct a number of tests that help you find the best mattress for you. These include testing the bed’s firmness, how well it absorbs movement, its bounce level, and much more. Let’s get started!

Short on time? Skip down to my review summary.

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review
Lucid Mattress

Lucid Hybrid 10"

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Is the Lucid Hybrid a Good Mattress for You? 

Before we discover everything the Lucid Hybrid has to offer, let’s take a peek at who this mattress may be best suited for. We’re here to make the mattress buying process as seamless and painless as possible. No mattress is a one-size-fits-all, and it shouldn’t be.

Who I recommend the Lucid Hybrid mattress for

  • I highly recommend this mattress for back sleepers. It’s supportive enough to elevate a back sleepers’ hips in line with their spine, due to its medium-firm feel, and it’s additional body contouring offers relief to pressure points.  
  • The Lucid Hybrid has an impressive amount of edge support. This makes it a potential hit for larger folks or partners who want to utilize the entire surface area of their mattress.
  • This is a great value mattress. With the combined quality of construction and materials, I’d say this is one of the best values on the market.
Back sleeping on the Lucid Hybrid mattress
I think the Lucid Hybrid mattress is good for back sleepers.

Who I don’t recommend the Lucid Hybrid mattress for

  • Common with memory foam mattresses, some sleepers may find this bed  sleeps a little hot. If overheating is a big  concern for you, consider a latex or innerspring bed.
  • This bed might not be a great fit for strict stomach sleepers. The memory foam allows sleepers to sink more deeply into the mattress as the night goes on, which means stomach sleepers’ hips might drop too far into the bed and throw their spines out of alignment. Strict stomach sleepers will probably want to look for a more firm mattress

How Firm is the Lucid Hybrid Mattress?

Alright, now that we’ve gotten a sense of the Lucid Hybrid’s construction, we can start to understand how it feels! Let’s kick things off by taking a look at this bed’s firmness.

First, an important note: firmness is subjective. Your body weight, shape, size and personal preferences will impact how firm a mattress feels to you – and the same is true for me! I grabbed a number of other sleep experts to test this bed alongside me, to collect the best results possible.

Lucid Mattress Firmness
I found the Lucid Hybrid to have a medium firmness with good support

After testing out the Lucid Hybrid, I ranked it around a 7 out of 10 on the firmness scale. The industry standard for medium firmness is 6.5, so the mattress is right around medium-firm (just a touch firmer).

This mattress combines softer foams with supportive coils, creating a balanced feel that’s somewhere in the middle of the firmness scale. This could appeal to back sleepers, who need plenty of spinal support combined with a touch of pressure relief. Combo sleepers who switch between their back and side might also like the mixture of support and comfort on this bed.

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review
Lucid Mattress

Lucid Hybrid 10"

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid Mattress Performance 

We use a variety of tools to test how a mattress will perform for different sleepers. How you sleep, your weight, and other preferences will likely play into how spot on these results and what mattress type will be for you.  

Testing the Lucid Hybrid Mattress in Different Sleeping Positions

Light sleepers have different needs than heavy sleepers, just like back sleepers have different needs than  stomach sleepers. The level of support you need is unique to you. Let’s run through my take on the Lucid Hybrid’s performance for different combinations of light, average, and heavy sleepers. 

Is the Lucid Hybrid a Good Mattress for Light Sleepers (Under 130 lb)?

  • Light Back Sleepers – Lighter sleepers tend to feel beds firmer than advertised, so this mattress could potentially be too firm for this sleeper. 
  • Light Side Sleepers – Since it’s a relatively firm mattress, these sleepers should find that it offers the support they need, but not enough pressure relief.
  • Light Stomach Sleepers –  I think this mattress could be a good choice for these sleepers, who will feel nicely positioned on top of the mattress. Their light weight should prevent their hips from sinking out of line with their shoulders on this bed.

Is the Lucid Hybrid a Good Mattress for Average Weight Sleepers (130 – 250 lb)? 

  • Average Weight Back Sleepers – This medium-firm mattress should be a home run for these sleepers, with it’s pairing of spinal support and pressure relief.
  • Average Weight Side Sleepers – Strict side sleepers may find this bed a bit too firm, but it should rate okay for combination sleepers who turn onto their side on occasion.
  • Average Weight Stomach Sleepers – This mattress will likely have just the right amount of firmness the average stomach sleeper requires.

Is the Lucid Hybrid a Good Mattress for Heavy Sleepers (over 250 lb)? 

  • Heavy Back Sleepers – This bed may not offer the necessary amount of support for larger folks. Look to the link below for better-suited options.
  • Heavy Side Sleepers – For larger folks, the firmness of this mattress will not match up with your needs.
  • Heavy Stomach Sleepers – This sleeper will likely need a firmer mattress. I recommend looking at our best mattresses for heavy people for additional choices.

Lucid Hybrid Mattress Pain Relief Performance

In case you haven’t heard this term before, let’s define it real quick: “pressure relief” is all about a bed’s ability to alleviate tension at sensitive areas including the hips, lower back, and shoulders. It helps you know whether a mattress will ease pressure on various body parts so you can sleep comfortably in your preferred position.

To test the pressure relief on the Lucid Hybrid, I used a tool called a pressure map. This device is placed on top of the mattress, and it  tracks my body’s force as I lie in different positions. Low-pressure areas are highlighted in blue, and the highest pressure areas show up as red. 

Lucid Mattress Pressure map
Pressure map test results for the Lucid Hybrid mattress

If you experience one or more of these pain areas, you know it’s no walk in the park. Let’s delve a little deeper into each specific one, to see if the Lucid Hybrid could offer an achy sleeper the relief they need.

Back Pain – The coils in the Lucid Hybrid lifted my hips and kept my spine neutrally aligned, which is essential for combatting back pain. However, my body slightly sunk into the memory foam. Those with back pain might have a better bet looking at other options that keep your body positioned on top of the mattress. For more, check out our top picks for best mattresses for back pain.

Shoulder Pain – I feel no significant hotspots and my spine remains aligned. If you find yourself switching from side sleeping to another position, this mattress may work for you, but strict side sleepers who are already experiencing shoulder pain, may want to look for a plushier option that offers the support they need.

Hip Pain – The medium firmness of this mattress proves to be much too hard for both side sleepers and back sleepers who experience hip pain. However, this could potentially provide enough support for a stomach sleeper who likes a firmer mattress.

The Lucid Hybrid Mattress Performance for Couples

There are a number of important factors you should think about when buying a new mattress for you and your partner. These areas include motion transfer, sex, edge support, and of course, cooling. It’s crucial to find a happy medium in the bedroom, so that both you and your partner can sleep soundly and happily. Let’s get going!

Motion Transfer 

Like pressure relief, motion transfer can affect whether a mattress matches your sleep needs. This term refers to whether you’ll feel a sleeping partner’s movements if they shift around during the night. It’s especially important to consider motion transfer if you share a bed with a partner, child, or pet!

To test motion transfer on the Lucid Hybrid, I dropped a 10 lb. steel ball from three heights: 4 inches, 8 inches, and 12 inches. These heights mimic various movements, from tossing and turning to getting out of bed or jumping on top of it. Next, I used a seismometer to measure the disturbance caused by each of these drops. The bigger the lines, the bigger the disturbance!

Lucid Mattress Motion Transfer
Motion transfer test results for the Lucid Hybrid

When it comes to motion isolation, hybrid mattresses can be a toss-up. It all comes down to which material has a bigger impact: the motion-absorbing foams or the bouncy coils. So I was curious to see how the Lucid Hybrid would perform!

Overall, the mattress did a nice job of isolating motion transfer from the smaller drops (from 4 and 8 inches), and performed around average with the 12-inch drop. Translation? If you share your bed with a restless sleeper, this mattress should do a pretty good job of minimizing disturbance. Just don’t expect to sleep through a child or pet hurling themself into bed!


A mixture of motion transfer and responsiveness in your mattress is ideal for sex. With the Lucid Hybrid, you have a layer of pocketed coils beneath all of that support foam. These coils provide for bounce and mobility, a must-have for sex, while still offering the body-contouring support and pressure relief a sleeper may need. 


The Lucid Hybrid’s comfort layer is infused with bamboo charcoal and aloe vera, which help dissipate heat. However, memory foam is known to trap heat, so it’s likely that this mattress could still sleep a bit hot. Sleeping with a partner means double the heat, so you may want to check out our top choices for the best cooling mattresses before making a decision.

Edge Support

If you or your partner often roll towards the other or sleep on the edge of the bed throughout the night, edge support will be important for you. A firm layer of poly foam is wrapped around the coils in this mattress. This layer shores up the edges of the mattress, so larger folks and couples can utilize the whole surface of the bed. With this in mind, it’s safe to say the Lucid Hybrid offers an impressive amount of edge support.

What is the Lucid Hybrid Mattress Made Of? 

The Lucid Hybrid is a 10-inch hybrid mattress that layers memory and poly foams over pocketed coils. Together, the layers create a medium-firm bed that’s pressure-relieving and supportive.

I should also mention that all of the foams in Lucid mattress are CertiPUR-US certified, which means they’re free of certain harmful chemicals. Ready to learn more about the Lucid Hybrid? Let’s dive in!

Lucid Hybrid mattress review
The Lucid Hybrid mattress in the Sleepopolis bedroom.

Cover – First up, you’ll find a thin cover made from knit polyester. It has a fairly durable feel, similar to most bed-in-a-box mattresses.

Comfort Layer – Underneath the cover, there’s a top layer made from memory foam. In classic memory foam fashion, this layer allows for some sinkage, body-contouring, and pressure relief. It’s infused with charcoal to help dissipate heat (memory foam has a reputation for trapping heat), but some folks might still find that it sleeps a bit hot.

Poly Foam Layer – Beneath the comfort layer, there’s a layer of plush, pressure-relieving poly foam. It has a quicker response to pressure than the memory foam above it, so you shouldn’t feel stuck in this bed.

Transition Layer – Next up is a layer of firmer poly foam. This transition foam helps ease the sleeper from the softer foams above to the firmer support layer below.

Support Layer – Beneath all the foam layers, there’s a support layer of pocketed coils. The coils create bounce, mobility, and support to balance out the body-contouring and pressure relief of the foams above. They’re also individually wrapped, which means the coils move independently from one another, which could be good news for couples as this helps minimize motion transfer. 

Lucid Mattress construction
Checking out the materials used in the Lucid Hybrid mattress

Lucid Hybrid Mattress Unboxing and Off-Gassing

Off-gassing, a common process, may cause a slight smell upon unboxing your new Lucid Hybrid mattress. It’s totally normal, and opening up your windows and allowing the mattress to sit uncovered for a while should help dissipate any lingering smells.

My Final Thoughts about the Lucid Hybrid Mattress

Before we wrap things up, let’s take a quick look at my overall likes and dislikes of this mattress, and see what features hit home for me.

My favorite things about the Lucid Hybrid mattress

I really appreciate how the Lucid Hybrid performed in pressure relief across the board. Though different sleeping position combinations and bodies will absolutely vary, it was a good sign to see limited areas of pressure when sleeping on my back, side, and stomach. I especially recommend this memory foam hybrid mattress for back sleepers, as it not only relieved pressure to my back, but kept my spine aligned and supported. I also found an impressive amount of edge support, which would make it a great option for heavier sleepers.

My Lucid Hybrid mattress complaints 

Common with memory foam mattresses, the Lucid Hybrid sleeps pretty hot. I also think that for stomach sleepers, this mattress could potentially throw the spine out of alignment, as your hips sink deeper into the foam layers. Additionally, this mattress’ warranty is 10 years, while I’ve seen lifetime warranties from numerous competitors. However, it’s up to you how much a warranty could weigh in your decision.

How Much Does the Lucid Hybrid Cost? 

Below, you’ll find the pricing chart for each available size of the Lucid Hybrid. Have a look to see which model and price point would be right for you. Make sure to click one of the coupons in this article to save!

Prices listed are before discount or offer for each size.

Twin39" x 75" x 10"$249.99
Twin XL39" x 80" x 10"$269.99
Full54" x 75" x 10"$349.99
Queen60" x 80" x 10"$399.99
King76" x 80" x 10"$499.99
California King72" x 84" x 10"$499.99

Lucid Hybrid Mattress Policies and FAQs

What is the cost of shipping and how does it ship?

Shipping is free, and it ships compressed.

Does the Lucid Hybrid have a sleep trial?

Yes, they offer a 100-night sleep trial.

Does this mattress have a warranty?

Yes, there is a 10-year warranty for all products purchased in the United States.

How do I make a return?

Returns of any item are accepted within 30 days of purchase. They can be made by contacting the brand’s customer service with your receipt and/or Order ID.

Do I need a box spring with a memory foam mattress?

No, you do not need a box spring, as long as your bed base or frame offers even support.

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review
Lucid Mattress

Lucid Hybrid 10"

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid Mattress Vs  

Now that you have the most important knowledge on the Lucid Hybrid, let’s take a look at a couple of its competitors. Every sleeper has different needs and wants, so it’s a good idea to size up the competition before hitting “add to cart”. Today, we’ll take a look at the Tuft & Needle and Casper mattresses.

Lucid Hybrid Mattress vs Tuft & Needle Mattress

  • Like the Lucid Hybrid, theTuft & Needle is a mattress-in-a-box. But instead of using a coil base for a hybrid construction, it’s all-foam.
  • The Tuft & Needle has a breathable cover and infuses cooling gel into the Adaptive foam layer, so it sleeps a bit cooler than the Lucid Hybrid.
  • The Tuft & Needle is a little more expensive than the Lucid Hybrid.
  • Learn more in my full Tuft & Needle mattress review.

Tuft & Needle Mattress


The Tuft & Needle is a surprisingly supportive all-foam mattress that back sleepers will enjoy. It’s pretty breathable, which helps it sleep cool, and comes in at an affordable price, making it ideal for budget shoppers.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

100 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping minus HI and AK

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year limited warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight stomach sleepers.

Financing Options

Financing options are available for this mattress.

Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Tuft & Needle Mattress


The Tuft & Needle is a surprisingly supportive all-foam mattress that back sleepers will enjoy. It’s pretty breathable, which helps it sleep cool, and comes in at an affordable price, making it ideal for budget shoppers.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year limited warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping minus HI and AK

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

100 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight stomach sleepers.

Financing Options

Financing options are available for this mattress.

Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Tuft & Needle Mattress

The Tuft & Needle is a surprisingly supportive all-foam mattress that back sleepers will enjoy. It’s pretty breathable, which helps it sleep cool, and comes in at an affordable price, making it ideal for budget shoppers.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

100 nights

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year limited warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping minus HI and AK

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight stomach sleepers.

Financing Options

Financing options are available for this mattress.

Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid Mattress vs Casper Mattress

  • The flagship Casper mattress is an all-foam mattress-in-a-box. Casper also has a hybrid version that combines foam and coil layers, much like the Lucid Hybrid.
  • Both the all-foam and hybrid Casper mattresses use a zoned support system that’s softer around the shoulders and firmer around the hips. This creates a great mixture of comfort and support that’s especially useful for maintaining side sleeping spinal alignment.
  • The Casper hybrid is a bit softer than the all-foam Casper. Like the Lucid Hybrid, the Casper Hybrid is probably a great match for combo sleepers who switch between their back and side, because it offers a mixture of support and comfort in multiple positions.
  • Read our full Casper mattress review to learn more.

Casper Original Mattress


The Casper Original is an all-foam mattress that is a great option for back sleepers who want a balance of support and pressure relief. Combination sleepers will appreciate this mattress's responsiveness, which makes it easy to change positions throughout the night.

Sleepopolis Score 4.1/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

100 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year limited warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type couples
This bed has great motion isolation so you will not feel your partner tossing and turning at night.
SO sleeper type seniors
This bed is perfect for senior sleepers.
SO sleeper type back pain
Back Pain
This bed is perfect for anyone suffering from back pain.

Financing Options

Financing options are available for this mattress.

"From the delivery of the box to the magical unfolding of the king size mattress to the first time laying on the bed, all smiles here! I have traveled for work for years, often sleeping on different beds at different hotels night after night."

Paul, Casper customer
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Casper Original Mattress


The Casper Original is an all-foam mattress that is a great option for back sleepers who want a balance of support and pressure relief. Combination sleepers will appreciate this mattress's responsiveness, which makes it easy to change positions throughout the night.

Sleepopolis Score 4.1/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year limited warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

100 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type couples
This bed has great motion isolation so you will not feel your partner tossing and turning at night.
SO sleeper type seniors
This bed is perfect for senior sleepers.
SO sleeper type back pain
Back Pain
This bed is perfect for anyone suffering from back pain.

Financing Options

Financing options are available for this mattress.

"From the delivery of the box to the magical unfolding of the king size mattress to the first time laying on the bed, all smiles here! I have traveled for work for years, often sleeping on different beds at different hotels night after night."

Paul, Casper customer
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Casper Original Mattress

The Casper Original is an all-foam mattress that is a great option for back sleepers who want a balance of support and pressure relief. Combination sleepers will appreciate this mattress's responsiveness, which makes it easy to change positions throughout the night.

Sleepopolis Score 4.1/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

100 nights

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year limited warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type couples
This bed has great motion isolation so you will not feel your partner tossing and turning at night.
SO sleeper type seniors
This bed is perfect for senior sleepers.
SO sleeper type back pain
Back Pain
This bed is perfect for anyone suffering from back pain.

Financing Options

Financing options are available for this mattress.

"From the delivery of the box to the magical unfolding of the king size mattress to the first time laying on the bed, all smiles here! I have traveled for work for years, often sleeping on different beds at different hotels night after night."

Paul, Casper customer
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Other Models from Lucid

As I mentioned above, Lucid offers not one, not two, but three impressive materials in their mattress. In addition to the Lucid Hybrid, we’ll take a peek at how its sister products, the Lucid Gel Memory Foam, and the Lucid Latex Hybrid, measure up.

Lucid Hybrid Mattress vs Lucid Gel Memory Foam Mattress

  • The Hybrid uses coils in its hybrid construction, while the Gel Memory Foam is all-foam.
  • Side sleepers are more likely to enjoy the Lucid Gel Memory Foam, while the Lucid Hybrid should be a good fit for back sleepers.
  • Both Lucid mattresses offer good value compared to competing brands.
  • To read more about the Lucid Gel Memory Foam mattress, check out my Lucid mattress review.

Lucid 10" Gel Memory Foam Mattress

Lucid Gel Front View

This Lucid mattress is built with 10 inches of foam for a deep pressure-relieving sleep. The no-fuss construction not only helps to keep this bed super affordable but also highlights the great benefits of memory foam — body contouring and sinkage.

Sleepopolis Score 3.6/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7.5/10

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type hot sleepers
Hot Sleepers
If you often overheat while you sleep, this mattress should help you stay cool.
SO sleeper type couples
This bed has great motion isolation so you will not feel your partner tossing and turning at night.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight, average weight, and heavyweight side sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid 10" Gel Memory Foam Mattress

Lucid Gel Front View

This Lucid mattress is built with 10 inches of foam for a deep pressure-relieving sleep. The no-fuss construction not only helps to keep this bed super affordable but also highlights the great benefits of memory foam — body contouring and sinkage.

Sleepopolis Score 3.6/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7.5/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type hot sleepers
Hot Sleepers
If you often overheat while you sleep, this mattress should help you stay cool.
SO sleeper type couples
This bed has great motion isolation so you will not feel your partner tossing and turning at night.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight, average weight, and heavyweight side sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review
Lucid Gel Front View

Lucid 10" Gel Memory Foam Mattress

This Lucid mattress is built with 10 inches of foam for a deep pressure-relieving sleep. The no-fuss construction not only helps to keep this bed super affordable but also highlights the great benefits of memory foam — body contouring and sinkage.

Sleepopolis Score 3.6/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7.5/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type hot sleepers
Hot Sleepers
If you often overheat while you sleep, this mattress should help you stay cool.
SO sleeper type couples
This bed has great motion isolation so you will not feel your partner tossing and turning at night.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight, average weight, and heavyweight side sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid Mattress vs Lucid Latex Hybrid Mattress

  • The Lucid Latex Hybrid is a combination of gel-infused memory foam, natural latex, and coils.
  • Both mattresses utilize coils to provide impressive motion isolation and edge support.
  • The Latex Hybrid is a bit more expensive than it’s Hybrid counterpart. 
  • For more on the Latex Hybrid, you can find the 12-inch model in our best latex mattress reviews.

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Lucid Hybrid 10"

Lucid Mattress

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review
Lucid Mattress

Lucid Hybrid 10"

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Sleepopolis Score 4.0/5
SO Brand Icon MattressMaterial



SO Brand Icon PropertyFirmness


Firm: 7/10

SO Brand Icon PropertyTrialPeriod

Trial Period

30 nights

SO Brand Icon MattressWarranty


10-year warranty

SO Brand Icon PropertyShipping

Shipping Method

Free shipping

SO Brand Icon PropertyPrice

Price Range


We recommend this mattress for the following sleeper types:

SO sleeper type back sleepers
Back Sleeping
Ideal for average weight back sleepers.
SO sleeper type side sleepers
Side Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight side sleepers.
SO sleeper type stomach sleepers
Stomach Sleeping
Ideal for lightweight and average weight stomach sleepers.
Average Customer Rating
Watch Our Video Review

Take a peek at the Lucid Hybrid’s performance on our star chart below.

Lucid Hybrid Mattress
Lucid Mattress Review 2020

The Lucid Hybrid has a buoyant top layer of gentle latex that overlays sections of memory foam and pocketed coils, This creates a structure that’s both lively and pressure-relieving.

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

Logan Block

Logan is the former content director of Sleepopolis. As content director, he reviewed new mattresses every week and curated the comparisons, best of pages, and video guides on the site. Logan perfected his method by personally testing over 200 different mattresses, so he’s not only able to discern the overall vibe of a specific bed, but to contextualize its feel within the bed-in-a-box market as a whole.