Meet QuietOn Sleep, The Newest Snore-Cancelling Earbuds

Snoring isn’t only an annoyance — it could be a health hazard. From disrupting you or your partner’s sleep to a warning sign of sleep apnea, it’s no wonder products are popping up left and right, all aiming to solve the snoring problem.

Insert QuietOn Sleep, a new set of noise-canceling earbuds that are designed to block out the sound of snoring, promising an end to sleepless and noisy nights.

Also Read: Why We Snore, and How to Stop It

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QuietOn Sleep: What Makes These Snore-Support Earbuds Different?

QuietOn Sleep was designed by ex-Nokia engineers from Finland. They say what differentiates their product from other noise-canceling earbuds is its focus on blocking low-frequency sounds below 500 Hz — something other headphones on the market do not block.

QuietOn Sleep was developed after its founders analyzed hundreds of snore-recordings and other noises with similar Hz levels, like outside traffic and music heard through a wall. The founders ended up with earbuds that release a sound (something similar to white noise) that is specifically designed to drown out snoring. The buds themselves are crafted to fit comfortably yet snugly inside the ear and are finished with a soft foam cushion. For storage, the buds can be placed inside a small case that also acts as a charging station, helping to ensure the battery is not dead by the time you head to sleep.

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QuietOn began as an idea on Indiegogo back in 2016. The first prototype raised over $1 million dollars. The second release — what we’re talking about now —  just became fully funded.

QuietOn sales director Outi Sepänniitty commented on the campaign:

The campaign was successful indeed. Our launch attracted great visibility and we are happy with the results. The campaign showed that there is a need for a snoring-killer device like QuietOn Sleep!

The beds are “available” online for $159, but are not ready to ship. The buds are still in a “prototype phase,” meaning only a working demo of their product has been developed — not the final thing. While QuietOn Sleep estimates its product will be ready for delivery by October 2018, development challenges may affect the timing.

While you potentially wait with baited breath for the product release, there are other gadgets on the market that may help drown on the sound of snoring, from Sleep Number beds with snore support, to white noise machines. If you’re at a complete loss, you can just give in and set up a snoring room in your house. You wouldn’t be the first.

We’ll keep our eyes peeled on QuietOn Sleep’s progress, so make sure to check back to be the first to know when the earbuds are ready to ship!

Laura Schwecherl

Laura is a journalist with nearly a decade of experience reporting and covering topics in the health, fitness, and wellness space. She is also a marketing consultant, where she works with impact-oriented startups to build marketing and editorial strategies. Outside of work, you can find her reading Murakami novels, writing amateur poetry, or trail running in her hometown, Boulder, Colorado.
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