Data Shows Night Owls Are Unhealthier Than Early Risers
A new study suggests that night owls may be unhealthier than their counterparts.
A New Report Reveals Almost Half of Denmark Suffers from Sleep Disorders
A new report by the national health board of Denmark found over 45 percent of Danes are affected by sleep disorders.
Resting After Learning Can Help You Remember The Fine Details
Researchers find that even a brief rest can help you better recall the details of new information.
Just Two Glasses of Wine Could Hurt Sleep, Study Says
A new study found an unfortunate link between wine consumption and sleep quality: Just two glasses of wine could negatively impact how well we snooze.
New Research Hints At How Sleep Can Improve Memory
Science is now showing that slow-wave brain activity, which occurs during sleep, could play a critical role in improving memory.
Naps Can Implant “False Memories” In Your Brain
A new study suggests that the sleep we get from naps could make us experience false memories.
Study Finds Sleep Trackers Could Make You Sleep Worse
New research has found that sleep trackers meant to improve shut-eye might have the opposite effect for some consumers.
What Is Sleep Latency, And Why Does It Matter?
The amount of time it takes to fall asleep—aka sleep latency—is more important than you might think.
Want to Sleep Better? Do This Five-Minute Activity Before Bed
Can’t fall asleep at night? A new study suggests that you should write a quick to-do list of upcoming tasks.
Make Your Bed in the Morning for Better Rest All Night
Nobody wants to do chores in the morning, but this one might help you sleep better at night.