Working After Hours is Seriously Affecting Your Sleep
Feeling extra tired? The culprit could be “work-creep,” which is when we bring our jobs home with us even after the office is closed.
Poor Sleep in Babies Linked to Higher Risk for Obesity Later in Life
A new study suggests that inadequate sleep training early in life could lead to a higher risk of obesity for some infants as they grow up.
Wool or Cotton? Science May Have Found The Best Pajamas for Sleep
Not sleeping well? Science says wearing wool pajamas might help you fall asleep faster, and stay snoozing for longer.
Sleeping With Your Pooch Could Ease Your Chronic Pain
A new study reveals that those who suffer from chronic pain might find some nighttime relief by sleeping with their furry best friend.
New Research Suggests You Should “Sleep On It” Before Making a Decision
A recent study reveals another benefit of napping, showing that a mid-day snooze could help us make better decisions by processing unconscious information.
Nap On, Nap Off: Researchers Discover Brain’s “Sleep Switch”
In a recent study, researchers were able to pinpoint and activate the part of the brain that triggers sleep, inducing immediate slumber in mice.
Sleep Loss Shown to Increase Risky Behavior in Teens
A recent analysis found that teens who get less than six hours of shut eye a night are at risk for engaging in some dangerous behaviors once the sun comes up.
Sleep Deprivation Isn’t Just Exhausting — It’s Straight Up Dangerous
A new study out of Michigan State University has found that sleep deprivation can lead to seriously dangerous mishaps in the workplace.
Renters Are Getting (A Lot) More Sleep Than Homeowners
A recent survey shows that the responsibilities of owning of a home are keeping people up at night, while those who rent are sleeping like babies.
Gaining Weight? Your Irregular Sleep Schedule Could Be To Blame
New research shows that going to bed at different times every day can lead to increased risk for heart disease, higher blood pressure, and weight gain.