Onnit New Mood Supplement Review

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For this review, we’ll be taking an up-close look at the New Mood Supplement from Onnit. Packed with a whopping 10 ingredients, these capsules are designed to support serotonin production to keep you calm, cool, and collected as you drift off to sleep. 

So, do a lot of ingredients result in a lot of slumber? To find out, I tested these babies for a week and experienced some major changes to my sleep… but were they good or bad? You’ll just have to keep reading my Omit New Mood supplement review to see! 

New Mood Supplement

New Mood Supplement

For this review, we’ll be taking an up-close look at the New Mood Supplement from Onnit. Packed with a whopping 10 ingredients, these capsules are designed to support serotonin production to keep you calm, cool, and collected as you drift off to sleep.

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Note: The content on Sleepopolis is meant to be informative in nature, but it shouldn’t be taken as medical advice, and it shouldn’t take the place of medical advice and supervision from a trained professional. Please talk to your healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement routine. If you feel you may be suffering from any sleep disorder or medical condition, please see your healthcare provider immediately.

Brand Snapshot 

Onnit was founded in 2010 to help folks achieve “Total Human Optimization.” If that phrase sounds like a spooky precursor to a world full of AI bots, worry not! All it really means is that the company’s many different products — from supplements to fitness gear and workout apparel —  are designed to enhance every aspect of an individual’s life. 

I previously reviewed the brand’s Instant Melatonin Spray, and like it, the New Mood Supplement has been third party tested by the Banned Substances Control Group to ensure it’s safe for human consumption and free of any drugs that might show up on a performance test.


This supplement has one of the most complex ingredient profiles I’ve ever seen! There are ten main elements at play here, that, when combined, reportedly produce a sense of “daily calm.” As a naturally anxious and stressed out individual, I was eager to see what a little dose of daily calm would feel like, and to figure out how all the different ingredients would come together to produce it. 

So let’s take a wee merry stroll through the list! 

First up, we have a trio of ingredients that I’m going to call the minor players — they appear, but in fairly small amounts: Niacin, Vitamin B6, and Magnesium. 

Niacin (30 mg) – Also known as Vitamin B3, niacin  is often used to lower high cholesterol and has been shown to be effective at reducing the risk of heart attack. (1

Vitamin B6 (20 mg) – Unlike Vitamin B3, the body can’t naturally produce Vitamin B6, so it’s important to obtain it from outside sources. Though it boasts a host of benefits, the biggest here is mood regulation. 

Magnesium (40 mg) – A vital element for bone health, some research has also linked it to sound slumber. One double-blind clinical trial from 2012, for example, found that subjects who received a 500 mg supplement of magnesium every night for eight weeks fell asleep faster and spent more time in bed than peers who received a placebo. (2)

Omit New Mood supplement review
Onnit New Mood Supplement

Next up, the “Onnit Tranquility Blend,” which makes up a considerable portion of the dosage (reportedly 450 mg). It features four different ingredients: Valerian Root, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, and Jujube Seed Extract. 

Valerian root – Valerian has been used medicinally since the time of the Ancient Greeks, with its first documented use as a treatment for insomnia surfacing in the 2nd century. There have been many studies done into the root’s health benefits, but few specifically into sleep. One study from 2004, however, did find that valerian helped calm and decrease electrical activity in the brain. (3

Chamomile – You probably recognize this one, huh? Popular in teas, chamomile extract has been used as a sleeping aid for centuries and there’s a lot of research to back it up, with a recent study finding it to be incredibly effective at treating anxiety. (4)

Lemon Balm – Another fairly well known all-natural sleep aid, lemon balm has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress. (5)

Jujube Seed Extract – The Jujube fruit has long been understood as an effective natural sleep aid, working as it does to calm and quiet the mind. Recent research has supported this, with some experts claiming the extract possesses “neuroprotective” properties. (6

Onnit New Mood Supplement facts
Onnit New Mood Supplement

And finally, another large amount of the mix, which is made up of three elements that directly influence serotonin production: L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP, and Inositol. 

L-Tryptophan (400 mg) – Popularly known as the amino acid in turkey that causes drowsiness on Thanksgiving, tryptophan produces serotonin, which in turn produces melatonin, the body’s sleepy hormone. 

5-HTP (150 mg) – 5-HTP or L-hydroxytryptophan is an amino acid that’s part of the biosynthesis of serotonin. Though some claim the element is effective at treating depression and restlessness, there’s very little research to support that claim, with one 2012 study going so far as to refute it. (7)

Inositol (12 mg) – And finally, inositol, a carbohydrate found in the body that may reduce anxiety by affecting the production of serotonin.

I should also mention that all these ingredients are gluten, soy, and caffeine free. Now, off to my experience! 

New Mood Supplement

New Mood Supplement

For this review, we’ll be taking an up-close look at the New Mood Supplement from Onnit. Packed with a whopping 10 ingredients, these capsules are designed to support serotonin production to keep you calm, cool, and collected as you drift off to sleep.

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My Experience 

Onnit suggests taking two capsules every night before bed, so I did just that for a week. Something that’s really interesting about this supplement is that the brand says you can take it at night for sleep or during the day for “mood regulation,” so I was curious to see just how strong and effective it would be. 

I should also mention that the supplement comes in either a 30-pill bottle for $30 or a 60-pill bottle for $60. If you end up liking the product, you can set up a subscription service to receive it on a bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis. 

But enough with the specs, let’s dig into my experience, which I’ll be breaking down into three categories: Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, and the Morning After. 

Open bottle of Omit New Mood supplement
Onnit New Mood Supplement

Falling Asleep

One of my biggest sleep issues is falling asleep. Even if I’m super exhausted after a long day, once my head hits the pillow, my mind starts buzzing with a cacophony of different thoughts, to-do lists, memories, and ideas. Therefore, it’s important for me to find a sleep supplement that’ll cut through this noise and quiet my brain. 

Unfortunately, the new mood supplement didn’t really do the trick. Though I did feel a pleasant sense of calm about 20 minutes after taking the capsules, I didn’t feel drowsy. In fact, I felt as though I was in a sort of strange state between wakefulness and sleep, which made it difficult to drift off to dreamland. Not a wholly unpleasant sensation, but definitely not strong enough to lull me to sleep

Staying Asleep

Another big problem for me is staying asleep. No matter how well (or not well) I fall asleep, I tend to wake up most nights around 3 am, either to use the bathroom or to stare at my ceiling whilst pondering the meaning of life. So, it’s crucial that any supplements I take are able to sustain my slumber over the course of an entire evening. 

Since New Mood didn’t help me to fall asleep, it’s no surprise that it didn’t help to stay asleep, either. When it came time for my regular early morning wake up call, I rose as I always do, and perhaps felt even more tired than I normally would. 

Morning After

The New Mood supplement didn’t affect my slumber all that much, so I didn’t experience any sort of adverse morning after feeling. 

New Mood Supplement

New Mood Supplement

For this review, we’ll be taking an up-close look at the New Mood Supplement from Onnit. Packed with a whopping 10 ingredients, these capsules are designed to support serotonin production to keep you calm, cool, and collected as you drift off to sleep.

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Well folks, we’ve arrived at the end of this review. Still not sure if you’re sold on the Onnit New Mood Supplement just yet? No worries! Below, I’ll share my final thoughts on the product to help you make up your mind. 

Bottle of Onnit New Mood Supplement
Onnit New Mood Supplement


  • I like that this supplement’s been third-party tested and I also appreciate its complex ingredient profile. If you’re interested in a capsule that’s packed with all-natural ingredients, this could be a good fit for you. 
  • Though it didn’t really help me to fall asleep, I did find the “calming” effect of the supplement to be quite nice and could see it being beneficial for some daytime use. 


  • All that being said, my biggest con is that it didn’t help me to fall or stay asleep. A pretty big detractor for a sleep supplement review, but mostly tells me that this product would be best used for mood regulation during the day. 

And that’s officially that on THAT! If you have any other questions about this product, feel free to DM me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. And make sure to subscribe to the Sleepopolis YouTube channel so you can get all our latest sleep-related content. 


  1. Mani, Preethi, and Anand Rohatgi. “Niacin Therapy, HDL Cholesterol, and Cardiovascular Disease: Is the HDL Hypothesis Defunct?” Current Atherosclerosis Reports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Aug. 2015.
  2. Abbasi, B, et al. “The Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Primary Insomnia in Elderly: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.” Journal of Research in Medical Sciences : the Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences., U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2012.
  3. Yuan, Chun-Su, et al. “The Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Effects of Valerian and Valerenic Acid on Rat Brainstem Neuronal Activity.” Anesthesia and Analgesia, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2004.
  4. “Study Shows Chamomile Capsules Ease Anxiety Symptoms.” National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 21 Oct. 2015.
  5. Scholey, Andrew, et al. “Anti-Stress Effects of Lemon Balm-Containing Foods.” Nutrients, MDPI, 30 Oct. 2014.
  6. Chen, Jianping, et al. “A Review of Dietary Ziziphus JujubaFruit (Jujube): Developing Health Food Supplements for Brain Protection.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : ECAM, Hindawi, 2017.
  7. Hinz, Marty, et al. “5-HTP Efficacy and Contraindications.” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Dove Medical Press, 2012.

Cody Gohl

Cody is a former staff editor at Sleepopolis. His work has appeared online for Esquire, Next, LOGO TV, Fandom, Citylife, The Manual, and more.
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