Author: Molly Morrow

Molly Morrow

Molly Morrow is a writer from Seattle, Washington who moved to New York City because she was tired of making car payments. Once a hopeless insomniac, Molly now loves researching the connection between sleep, mental health and healing, all in hopes of helping Sleepopolis readers enrich their daily lives through sleep. A typical day for Molly could include writing a detailed review of the latest luxury bed-in-a-box mattress, combing through the results of a pioneering sleep study, or searching out the latest and greatest memory foam products. Molly is a strict-side sleeper who believes any mattress firmer than a 7 should be set on fire. Her writing has appeared in The Stranger, The Princeton Sun, The Airgonaut, The Consortium of Innovative Environments for Learning and the margins of twelve industrial machine manuals scattered strategically across Alaska. In 2016 her short fiction was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and in 2017 she finally got around to watching "The Sopranos"... from bed.

About Sleepopolis

Sleepopolis is a property dedicated to helping people around the world get a better night’s sleep. We cover a wide range of sleep and recovery topics, including in-depth reviews on mattresses and other sleep products, sleep industry news and events, and research-focused content on sleep science and wellbeing (which we call Sleep Education). Our goal is to help readers make better, more informed decisions regarding their sleep and rest.

Our writers specialize in sleep topics, and the majority of our reviews focus on their in-person experiences with and testing of products. In order to promote accuracy in our content, Sleepopolis features a robust Expert Network to help verify much of the content you see on the site, including both reviews and Sleep Education. This network consists of board-certified physicians, physical therapists, other medical professionals, researchers, and innovators in the sleep space. Content that has been expert verified is indicated with a blue checkmark at the top of those pages. We also work to keep our content up-to-date and indicate the day of the most recent editorial updates at the top of our articles.

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