The bedtime dance is the ultimate parenting test — after 12-20 hours of working, parenting, cleaning, and changing butts, kids decide they need you the most right at bedtime. There’s just one more story, one more snack, one more minute laying with them, and the inevitable pitter patter of little feet coming back in to see you again and again, with bad dreams and requests for a glass of water.
One episode of Bluey from Season 2, called “Sleepytime,” captures this dance of love, exhaustion, and patience to perfection, and has a 9.8 out of 10 ranking on IMDB. In the episode, which is mostly inside a galactic dream of Bingo’s, we quickly realize that we are getting a glimpse of each of Bingo’s actions in real life, but also in space. And, most importantly, the kids gravitate in space towards the sun — their mom.
As Bluey tries to work up the nerve to sleep alone, she moves away from the sun, but ultimately keeps gravitating towards it, like a child seeking a mom’s comfort even at 3 a.m. The “gorgeous” soundtrack with lullaby themes and the message in the episode has drawn the attention of even those without kids, such as Dr. Justin Dubin, a urologist and men’s health specialist, in South Florida., who recently wrote on Twitter:
“So I have never watched Bluey but a lot of my friends who have kids do.
Apparently Season 2 Episode 9 titled ‘Sleepytime’ is secretly climbing the IMDb ranks as one of the best eps of tv ever. So of course I watched it.
Good god, it’s perfect. Rarely do you see such a simple idea considered in such a complex and relatable way. In just 8 minutes it tackles parenthood, growing up, independence, and family dynamics- all with very little dialogue.
I was blown away. Bluey the [goat emoji].”
Dubin told Sleepopolis that everyone can relate to this because we were all once children, and those ideas and feelings of growing up are universal.
“What I think makes this episode special is how it takes such a simple concept — bedtime — and brings its viewers into a deeper, more complex understanding of even everyday bedtimes. In this episode specifically, there is very little dialogue which lets the viewers take in the beautiful visuals that depict more complicated ideas of growing up, parenthood and independence. Kids can relate because they understand Bluey and Bingo, the parents can relate because they can laugh at what their parents are going through.” He adds that it reminds all of us that though parenting is very hard, growing up is hard too.
Daniel Rinaldi, therapist and life coach at Mindnoise.co in Massachusetts says, “One of the reasons I believe that the Bluey ‘Sleepytime’ episode has resonated with so many families is it explores the universal parenting experience of exhaustion, love, and how bedtime can be so frustrating, yet when we can provide a safe space for our children with love and compassion, they will feel strong and secure in asking for what they need.”
He says the beauty of the episode comes from juxtaposing two storylines — the “relentless and exhausting” parenting experience, and our love for our children which, like the sun, always warms them and shows up for them even in that exhaustion.
“As a parent, I really appreciate this episode because it does capture those mundane nights with children, and those moments are what make up a child’s childhood. But, this episode also delves into the fear and uncertainty we face when we send our children into the world, and how we can love our children so much, but they need to sleep, too.”Sending Bluey back to bed is an analogy in the show for sending our kids off into the world, and hoping that they remember the key refrain Chilli (Bluey’s mom) keeps echoing in the episode: “Remember, I’ll always be here for you, even if you can’t see me, because I love you.”

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Dubin. Justin. Author interview. February 2024.
Rinaldi, Daniel. Author interview. February 2024.