Chamomile tea has been a go-to herbal remedy for countless ailments going back centuries. Made from dried flowers, this subtle tea is said to help everything from indigestion to the common cold. But its proponents’ primary claim is that chamomile promotes relaxation and calm, making it an ideal warm drink before bed to help you fall asleep.
Chamomile tea comes in a number of forms, from lower-cost teabags to loose leaf flowers, to blends that contain other tea types. One of the main benefits of chamomile is that it’s uncaffeinated, so it won’t add any stimulant to your system as you’re attempting to sleep. If you’re a tea drinker, chamomile may be the perfect choice to drink before bed to calm your mind. Here are some of our favorite chamomile teas.
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How We Selected the Best Chamomile Teas
It’s hard to go wrong with chamomile tea. It’s one of the most popular herbal tea options in the world for a myriad of reasons: it’s got a great flavor, it’s relatively inexpensive, many people swear by its relaxing effect, and a whole lot more. While not all tea is created equal, if you’re choosing an all-natural chamomile without additives, there’s a good chance you know what you’re going to get (though different tea brands can certainly have more intense flavor than others).
Here were some of the things we took into account as we were selecting our favorite chamomile teas.
Brewing Convenience
There are levels to the degree of seriousness people take tea. Some people are super serious about their tea, and have special pots and setups specific for brewing certain types of tea. Many more just want something simple; an easy tea bag that they can seep in water and have a delicious cup before bed. We tried to find the best types of tea for every type of tea drinker, for those willing to go to extra lengths and those who value convenience above all else.
Quality of the Tea
Quality in chamomile tea doesn’t always speak to the variety or the country of origin of the flower so much as how the tea is cultivated. When selecting the best chamomile teas we put special stock in those that were certified organic and non-GMO. While this doesn’t necessarily impact the flavor of the tea, it shows that the company is attempting to cultivate in the cleanest and most natural ways, which will ideally be reflected in the cleanness of the chamomile.
Intensity and Flavoring
Teas that are more mass-produced can be lacking when it comes to the flavor intensity of the chamomile they sell. The price you pay can be reflected in the amount of tea per bag; cheaper teas may mean needing two bags to achieve the intensity you enjoy. Likewise, we tended to favor teas without flavorings, because additives (especially if they’re artificial) can leave a chamomile tea tasting too sweet or too fake. We tried to offer a good range of options when it came to both price and flavor in chamomile.
Tips for Choosing the Best Chamomile Tea
Choosing the right chamomile will have a lot to do with your pallet and level of experience with tea. If you’re a loose leaf lover, or you’re willing to invest in more expensive boutique tea brands, the right chamomile for you will be vastly different from a person who likes a simple cup of tea in the afternoon to help settle their stomach after lunch. Luckily, with the relative inexpensive nature of chamomile, you’ll be able to do some trial and error until you find the perfect tea for you without breaking the bank. Here are some things to consider when looking at chamomile tea:
- Tea Quantity and Storage: How often do you plan to drink chamomile tea? If you’re a person who likes to have multiple cups a day, it may not be worth it for you to spend a large sum of money on a small batch tea. Try choosing a package that includes multiple tea bags without sacrificing quality. Conversely, if you only plan to have a cup a month when you’re having trouble sleeping, try and opt for a tea that can be easily stored and won’t go stale over time.
- Environmental Impact: Nobody likes to be preached at when it comes to conservation, but a number of tea brands go to extra lengths to ensure that they minimize packaging and make the packaging they use recyclable and biodegradable. If you’re given the option between an eco-conscious product and one that isn’t, why not opt for the former?
Recapping the Best Chamomile Teas
Chamomile tea is an easy and delicious way to add an herbal remedy into your nightly routine. A quick cup of tea has the potential to help you relax in the hours before bed time, or it can help take the edge off at moments when you’re feeling anxious. Relatively inexpensive, easy to blend with other natural flavors, low-maintenance when it comes to brewing; chamomile is one of the most popular teas for a reason.
When should I drink chamomile tea?
Chamomile is prized for its calming effects, which can help you to fall asleep. For best results, drink it about a half an hour before bed.
What kind of tea is chamomile?
Unlike green or black tea, which are specific types of plants, chamomile is an herbal tea. It isn’t made from a tea plant, and is instead dried chamomile flowers.
Is it OK to drink chamomile everyday?
Chamomile is safe to drink every day, and can potentially have long-term effects when consumed daily, such as helping with high blood pressure.