Sometimes all that is needed is a little break from the daily grind, a respite from the honking horns and text alerts of social and work life. Camping is an activity that allows a change from the everyday routine and a chance to gain some fresh perspective. First and foremost when camping, however, is the need for a comfortable tent that will make the experience worth the while.
Depending on how many people will be camping and how much room they need, any number of tents are available that can fit from 1 to 12 or more people. In addition to the space provided, tents can offer other comforts like organization, weather relief, and a good view. To help sort through the market, we’ve examined some of the leading brands of tents. This is what we learned:
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How We Picked
Picking out an appropriate camping tent can be a challenging task. Not only is it important to gauge how the weather and environment could potentially play a role, but also the circumstances in which one may be using the tent. To help make sense of all the variables, we looked at a few key aspects that had wide application:
Weather resistance
There is nothing worse than getting drenched while camping, expect perhaps having gear and tents soaked too. That is why it is so important to find camping gear that will fit the needs of a trip or a series of trips. Those who will be in dry climates and are not expecting rain during a camping trip can be a bit less discerning than everyone else in this regard.
However, those who may need to account for rain should keep this at top of mind when choosing a camping tent. Features like rain flys, inverted seams, and water-resistant tent materials can make a big difference when out in the elements. For those hoping to camp in even more extreme temperatures, it is wise to look out for features like snow skirts and insulated tent walls.
One thing almost all tents have in common is that they are meant to be portable. While most tents can be folded up into a compact shape, not all are suitable for long trips. Some may have advanced features, like a built-in mattress. The chief difference between some lines of tents is their weight.
Tents for four people can weight as little as 3 or 4 pounds as as much as 20 pounds. Those tents that are lightweight and can be packed up into a travel bag may be preferable for those going on long hikes. Heavier duty tents that are meant for extreme conditions may by nature be a bit heavier, so keep that in mind when making camping arrangements.
Setting up a tent does not need to be a complicated affair. While an older tent with some dents and missing pieces may be a nightmare to build, most new tents are designed to be assembled within about 10 minutes. That can be an optimistic promise, however.
Tents that come with clear instructions and pictures may be the best option for beginners. Those setting up a tent alone should definitely test out assembling the tent ahead of time. While the steps tend to be similar between brands, there will probably always be some differences that have to do with the order of assembly or specifications of a certain tent component.
Not sure which camping tent is right for you? Before making your choice, consider the following:
- Are you an avid camper?
- If you’ve gone camping more than a few times, you will probably know what to expect when setting up a tent.
- Those new to camping may want to consider getting some advice from an experienced camper or at least finding a tent that has clear instructions.
- Where will you be camping?
- Though tents can last a long time, lots of times people are getting a tent for a specific trip or series of trips.
- It is wise to check the weather of the place you will be camping during that season. Places that experience rain or humidity may necessitate specific tents.