The sleepless nights of early babyhood can be the most physically exhausting and demanding in parenthood. So, it makes sense that parents will try whatever they can to get their babies to sleep. However, one potential solution has come under scrutiny in the past two years, as weighted baby sleep sacks pose a risk to young babies’ health, experts say.
Given this, in an announcement from Consumer Reports Advocacy page, Amazon and Target will stop selling weighted sleep sacks and swaddles due to safety concerns. The news comes as the government has called for a federal investigation into Dreamland Baby and Nested Bean, two of the primary companies selling these sacks. Specifically, Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., wrote to the Federal Trade Commission asking for investigations into the companies for “deceptive advertising,” Consumer Reports says.
In June 2023, the American Academy of Pediatrics started discussing their concern in a letter about the products, which had then been projected to be a $1./2 billion dollar industry by 2026 — until things changed. AAP physicians were asking questions like, “Why would anyone put weight on top of a child’s chest — particularly a newborn?” explaining that babies’ rib cages are more elastic than adults and they can struggle to breathe under the weight. Consumer Reports also shares that the sacks can make it difficult for babies to get themselves out of unsafe sleep positions, posing a higher suffocation risk as well.
Now, following Target and Amazon’s lead, Consumer Reports is recommending that “all companies” stop selling weighted products for babies.
“It’s promising to see companies including Amazon and Target step up and make the right decision, based on the recommendations of medical and safety experts,” said Oriene Shin, policy counsel for Consumer Reports in the press release. “Too often, products that contradict clear expert guidance are for sale for years and end up putting babies and children at serious risk. Parents deserve nothing less than products that are proven safe before entering the marketplace. All retailers and online platforms should immediately stop selling these concerning products.”
Amazon released a statement on the topic: “In the interest of safety, we informed selling partners on April 9, 2024, that Amazon will no longer allow the sale of weighted infant sleep products in the Amazon store,” Amazon spokesperson Samantha Boyd wrote to CR. “The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have advised against the use of weighted infant sleep products, and we’ve made this update with customer safety in mind.”
Regarding the remaining leading weighted sleep product companies, Babylist shares, “Dreamland Baby’s weighted sleep sacks feature weighted pockets that are spread evenly across the front of the sleepwear from the shoulder area to the toes. Their weighted sleep sacks and swaddles range in weight from 0.8 to 1.5 pounds. Nested Bean features concentrated weighted pockets in the center of the chest area and on either side of their swaddles and sleep sacks and weigh between one and five ounces. Both companies outline specific weight minimums and usage instructions for each of their products. shares that they use the weight in different ways.”
The companies still producing the products claim they were designed in partnership with pediatricians and NICU nurses, and have undergone a number of tests. Babylist reports that there still is concern about a lack of research on either side of the issue.
Parents concerned about baby sleep safety can refer back to the AAP’s current recommendation for safe sleep, called “ABC” which stands for: Alone, on their Backs, in a Crib. Babies are supposed to be dressed in a swaddle that isn’t too tight, until they can roll over, and a non weighted sleep bag otherwise. Parents can also reach out to their pediatricians for further guidance and help with sleep issues.

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