This Influencer Mom Is Under Fire For Letting Her Baby Sleep in the Shower — Here’s Why

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Traveling with babies is pretty challenging for parents. Your baby’s routine gets disrupted by the travel, you might be taking long flights or driving long distances, and you have to pack all of your baby’s essentials to bring with you on the road. On top of this, you need your baby to sleep, and sleep well while you’re traveling. 

Some parents turn to portable sound machines, fancy portable sleep arrangements like bassinets or pack n’ plays, but regardless of what you bring, all you want is for your baby to get the sleep that they need, even if it means resorting to some more unconventional set ups. 

Recently, one mom influencer has caught some heat from viewers online after she let her 5-month-old son sleep in the bathroom while they were on vacation. People Magazine caught up with the influencer, named Chloe Molina, to talk about her recent controversy. (1)

Read on to find out everything you’ll want to know about Chloe’s unique sleeping accommodation for her son while they’re on vacation. 

Why Does This Mom Influencer Let Her Baby Sleep In The Shower? 

According to Chloe’s interview, she started letting her baby sleep in the shower after her son Ezra was up for most of the night while his crib was stationed next to his parent’s bed. Chloe told People that “They know if you’re two feet away from them so they’re going to constantly wake up and see you sleeping right next to them and want milk.”

Chloe told People that she took inspiration from her sister-in-law, and since her and her husband’s vacation rental was quite small, the only space she had available to set up his crib was in the shower. (1)

Did Letting the Baby Sleep In The Shower Work? 

The short answer is yes. Chloe told People that her son “slept through the whole night.” Additionally, Chloe made it clear that they only use the bathroom as Ezra’s temporary bedroom when the family travels, which she says has been four times to date. If Chloe or her husband needs to get up to use the restroom in the middle of the night, then they pull the shower curtain closed, use the restroom, and then open up the curtain once they’re done.  (1)

Chloe went on to say that they sometimes even let Ezra sleep in a closet when family is visiting. 

What Were Reactions to This Influencer Mom Letting Her Baby Sleep In The Shower? 

People on TikTok had some pretty negative reactions, with most people having concerns about the shower turning on while the baby is there, and the effect of air-based contaminants (fecal matter, harsh cleaning materials, and mold) on the baby. 

One commenter wrote, “My babies sleep in my room so they can smell me and hear me and know I’m there. Just such a different mindset to prioritize restful sleep over comfort and security.” Another said, “Not my baby, most showers have mold.” (2

Ultimately Chole told People Magazine, “I don’t really live in that parenting fear mindset in the first place… We don’t sit and live in fear. My takeaway is you have to do whatever you feel is best.” Her reasoning for sharing the video in the first place was to give other parents some hope, and to inspire them to feel like they can travel with their children. (1)

So…Is Letting a Baby Sleep in the Shower Safe? 

At Sleepopolis, we recommend following established guidelines for safe sleep. This means ensuring that whatever product your infant is sleeping in (crib, bassinet, ect) meets federal safety standards. Additionally, you should follow the ABC’s of infant sleep, which means that your infant is sleeping alone, on their back, and in their crib. 

Theoretically, as long as you are practicing safe sleep guidelines, it should be safe to let your infant sleep in a bathroom or another separate room. However, what works for Chloe’s family might not work for yours, and if you have any concerns about your infant’s sleeping arrangement, you should consult your pediatrician.


  1. Caruso, Skyler. Mom defends having her infant sleep in the shower: ‘everyone has their own parenting style’ (exclusive). People Magazine. September 16, 2024.
  2. Molina, Chloe. August 27, 2024.
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