Best Nightgowns

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Night is the time of our daily lives when we can be free of the pressures, responsibilities, and discomfort we encounter day to day. We can unbuckle, unsnap, untie, and unzip for the day and finally find the sweet spot at the intersections of comfort and rest. One of the most reliable ways of reaching that level of relaxation is through what we wear.

Nightgowns are an easy-to-wear option for women to really get themselves primed for a good night’s sleep. There are a lot of known brands as well as newcomers to the market who are all making quality nightgowns. We’ve tried out the leading offerings in order to help you navigate through the options.

Best Nightgowns

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How We Picked

Nightgowns are by nature an intimate purchase. Not only are we choosing something to spend upwards of half of our day in (depending on how long you sleep per night), but we are choosing something that will directly affect how we sleep at night and how we feel in the morning. You can go in several different directions when choosing a nightgown, but there are certain factors that you should always weigh. We’ve put the top brands through this list in order to make our picks. Here is what we considered:


One of the great things about shopping for a nightgown is that there isn’t a shortage of styles to sift through. We looked at the patterns, whether trendy or classic, as well as the stitching and piping. Some nightgowns will be better for walking out to the mailbox or even for a quick drive. If you are concerned with hosting guests or answering the door, you may choose a more modest or traditional nightgown. Some have a more modern look that may help wearers feel more confident when they wake up or go to bed, so the choice is pretty much up to you.


The comfort level of the nightgowns can vary based on the actual fit and material of the product, but it can also vary based on the season or climate. Some nightgowns have designs that promote airflow, while others are made of materials that are more porous and thus allow airflow. Nightgowns made of certain materials, such as nylon, promote water wicking, making them less porous. However, if you are concerned about having a nightgown during winter, you will want products that help you stay warm, such as nylon or cotton-based fabrics.


If you find a nightgown you like, you will probably want to wear it over and over again. While this is probably more common than not, it is preferable to have a few options so you can keep your gowns clean and prevent them from being worn down by over-washing. Perhaps vouching for a more expensive gown might ensure it lasts a bit longer, but if you find a brand you like and it is affordable, it might be worth it to buy a few in various patterns. Look out for the nightgowns on the lower range of cost, there are some good values there.


Several brands are introducing pockets into their nightgown designs. This is a great modern innovation, as our smartphones have become integral parts of many of our daily tasks. When needing to run out of the house to grab a coffee or check the mail, it is nice to be able to carry car keys, house keys, a wallet, and your phone without thinking about it. It is especially nice when the pockets are concealed in the fabric for a slick, discrete look.

Buying Tips

Not sure which nightgown is best for you? Keep these things in mind when trying to decide which one to purchase:

  • What climate do you live in? Some people may live in climates that have extreme heat and bitter cold. In some climates, even during the course of a calendar day can the temperature change from comfortably warm during the day to chilly at night. If you are mostly concerned with staying warm, you may want to vouch for heavier fabrics like cotton or fabrics like nylon that are tightly woven, helping you retain heat.
  • Do you want to dress for comfort or style? There are dozens if not hundreds of different styles and patterns available in nightgowns. Some are more appropriate for hosting friends and strangers at the door or saying hello on the way to get coffee. If you are looking for a nightgown that is just for you to feel your best, you can opt for a modern or thinner material that may be slightly see-through.
  • How much are you willing to spend? Shoppers can find nightgowns for around $20 or less, which is a great deal for something that you might be wearing almost every day. Alternatively, you can opt for a more expensive nightgown that might have a special fabric blend or cut that you are really vibing with. If you would like to purchase nightgowns for every day of the week, there are companies that make several varieties at an affordable price for you to really find a collection that suits you.

Logan Block

Logan is the former content director of Sleepopolis. As content director, he reviewed new mattresses every week and curated the comparisons, best of pages, and video guides on the site. Logan perfected his method by personally testing over 200 different mattresses, so he’s not only able to discern the overall vibe of a specific bed, but to contextualize its feel within the bed-in-a-box market as a whole.
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