To celebrate National Dog Day, Sleepopolis has teamed up with Second Chance Pet Adoptions in Raleigh, North Carolina to let five shelter dogs of all ages and needs test out different dog beds. All of the pups featured in the video are available to adopt, and can be found at Second Chance Pet Adoption’s website.
Quality sleep is super crucial for pups. Senior Director of Operations, Lisa Imhof, told Sleepopolis’s Nichole Mondshein that dogs “sleep about 20 hours a day,” which means that they spend a ton of time on their dog beds.
We loved helping our four-legged mattress reviewers try out three different dog beds, each coming in at a different price-point: the Saatva Dog Bed, the Calming Donut Dog Bed from Western Home, and the Orthopedic Dog Sofa from Bedsure.
The first dog bed that the pups are trying out is the Saatva Dog Bed, which is a pillow-top dog bed and one of the most expensive options, coming in at $275. However, the Saatva bed comes with a one-year limited warranty and a 45-day trial.
The next option the dogs are testing is the Calming Donut Dog Bed from Western Home. This bed is made of faux fur, is machine washable, and will set you back anywhere from $25-$75 based on which size you select for your pup.
Finally, the last bed to be tested is the Orthopedic Dog Sofa from Bedsure, made of egg-crate foam and specifically designed for pups that experience chronic pain. This bed will cost anywhere from $35-$110 based on the size you pick out.
Testing Dog Beds With Younger Shelter Pups
The first dog that tested out dog beds with Nichole was Coty, who is a one-year-old pit-bull mix, super cuddly, and is what Nichole calls a “velcro dog.”
First, Coty tried out the Calming Donut Dog Bed from Western Home, which is available for purchase on Amazon. Cody seemed to really enjoy the donut bed, and looked super cozy all curled up. The Orthopedic Dog Sofa from Bed Sure was next on the list, and again, Coty seemed to really enjoy relaxing on this dog bed. Coty wrapped up his testing with the Saatva Dog Bed. According to Nichole, this was the first time that Coty sprawled out while reviewing beds, which means that he was pretty comfy on the Saatva Dog Bed.
Three-legged pup Ben was next up to test. Ben is a two-year-old hound mix, and he lost one of his hind legs after it was badly broken and amputated.
Ben seemed to really love the the Calming Donut Dog Bed, sprawling out and sniffing around the bed. He also really enjoyed the Orthopedic Dog Sofa, with Nichole remarking that this bed really seemed to fit Ben. Ben was a bit less positive about the Saatva Dog Bed than the other two beds. Nichole did note that it was “not as supportive” as the other dog beds, and since Ben only has three legs, he probably needs a more supportive bed to feel comfortable.
Which Dog Beds Do Older Dogs Prefer?
Jada is a super sweet and smart six-year-old Brindle-Pitbull mix, and as a slightly older dog, she has some different needs than some of our younger testers.
As she started testing our dog beds, Jada was a bit nervous, but seemed to enjoy sitting on the Donut Dog Bed. Jada really liked the Orthopedic Dog Sofa, and she jumped right up on it, resting her head on the support ledge. While Jada still snuggled up on the Saatva Dog Bed, Nichole noted that she felt “the most comfortable” on the Dog Sofa.
The next dog bed tester was Lush, a four-year-old mixed breed pup who is mom to other tester, Coty. Lush immediately gravitated towards the Donut Dog Bed, snuggling up and wagging her tail as she checked out the bed. However, the Orthopedic Dog Bed provided a bit of a challenge for Lush, as she couldn’t quite step up onto the ledge of the bed, so she opted for the floor.
Our final tester was Carson, a six-year-old cattle dog, who has an old fracture to his pelvis. This means that as an orthopedic dog, Carson might need a bed with a bit of extra support to feel comfortable. Carson jumped right up on the Orthopedic Dog Bed, which Nichole noted was “definitely easier for him to step into,” and “is perfect for doggos like him who might have sensitivity in their backside or hind legs.”
Which Dog Bed Was the Shelter Pups Favorites?
When it came down to voting, Coty and Lush both voted for the Calming Donut Dog Bed and Ben and Jada both voted for the Orthopedic Dog Sofa. Carson ultimately abstained from voting for his favorite bed, so Nichole brought Coty back in to give the beds a second glance, and he wound up switching his vote to the Orthopedic Dog Sofa, crowing it the shelter pup’s fave from the day.

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