This ‘Love Is Blind’ Star Says He Uses Mouth Tape Every Night — Here’s Why Experts Argue Against It

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Mouth Taping

Season 7 of Love Is Blind is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to unusual sleep stories. Not only has the show seen a major sleep test cheating scandal, but one of the contestants revealed on the show that they religiously tape their mouths shut while they’re hitting the hay. 

If you haven’t been on social media for the past few months, then you might’ve missed the mouth taping craze. Olympians, celebrities, and influencers alike have all been taping their mouths shut while they go to sleep, and all of them have been claiming that the practice has revolutionized their sleep and their lives. 

Mouth taping is exactly what it sounds like: before you go to sleep you place a piece of tape over your mouth, sometimes even a specially made tape specifically for mouth taping. The idea is that by taping your mouth shut, you force yourself to breathe out of your nose, and reap all of the benefits of nose breathing. 

Read on if you’re curious to find out which Love Is Blind cast member has been taping their mouth shut at night, and what experts have to say about the practice. 

Which Love Is Blind Cast Member Mouth Tapes? 

Potential Love Is Blind spoilers are ahead so be warned if you’re not caught up on the show. Without any further ado, the Love Is Blind cast member that mouth tapes is Garrett Joseman, who has proposed to and could potentially marry fellow cast member Taylor Krause. Garrett revealed his nighttime practice to Taylor after the couple left the pods and went to Mexico with the other engaged couples. 

Before they were going to bed, Garrett shared that he tapes his mouth each night. Taylor said that she tried mouth taping but that it didn’t really work for her. Garrett goes on to share that he just uses a “little strip” of tape. Garrett does not go into any specifics about why he mouth tapes, or what benefits that he thinks he gets from mouth taping on the show. 

The show does show Taylor taping Garrett’s mouth shut with regular Scotch tape before going to sleep, placing a small strip of tape vertically over his mouth. Although, Garrett does ultimately remove the tape before turning out the lights. 

What Do Experts Think About Mouth Taping? 

Experts aren’t as keen on mouth taping as Garrett seems to be. Sleepopolis’s director of sleep health Dr. Shelby Harris has this to say about the controversial practice: “There’s not enough evidence to suggest that mouth taping has any real benefits when it comes to sleep, and it’s not something I recommend to anyone who is using it as a way to reduce snoring or mouth breathing.” 

Dr. Harris also says that there are some people who shouldn’t mouth tape at all. “Individuals who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, or have symptoms of sleep apnea, should not try mouth taping before consulting with their doctor or a sleep specialist,” Harris says. She adds that “taping the mouth closed during the night can further restrict airflow for individuals who have issues with snoring or mouth breathing and put them at a greater risk for serious health complications.”

Should I Try Mouth Taping? 

Here at Sleepopolis, we don’t recommend mouth taping when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Since there are no real benefits, and it can be a risky practice for people who have or have symptoms of sleep apnea. If you decide that you just have to mouth tape, you should consult your doctor before engaging in the practice. 

Mary-Elisabeth Combs

Mary-Elisabeth Combs

Mary-Elisabeth Combs is a Staff Writer at Sleepopolis covering all things Sleep news. Previously Mary was a writer for CNET, and she graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in English. When she's not writing, she's probably knitting, reading or catching up on Formula 1. 
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