Helix Mattress Giveaway 2018!

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Happy giveaway day, gang! You’re probably thinking: Yay, if I win, I get to pick a mattress in the size of my choosing! Well, yes and no. Yes, you can pick the size you want. But this time, you get to pick from nine different mattresses within the Helix line. I know, right?! All you have to do is scroll, enter, and think about which mattress you would choose!

Helix Mattress Giveaway

Helix is known for its wide variety of mattresses, and they recently introduced six more to the line! So, it really all depends on what you’re looking for. Is it the plush feel and soft pressure relief of the Helix Moonlight mattress? Or perhaps the balanced support of the medium-firm Helix Midnight mattress? So many beds… so little time.

Helix Moonlight Corner e1537217505582
The Helix Moonlight mattress

In addition to the six new Helix mattresses, there are three Helix speciality mattresses up for grabs too! The Nightfall mattress, for example, is built with maximum support designed to accommodate big and tall sleepers. Meanwhile, the Dual Balanced and Dual Extra mattresses are designed to feel plush on one side, and firm on the other. I know — so many choices!

Helix Midnight Memory Foam e1537217606102
Pressing into the memory foam comfort layer of the Helix Midnight mattress

If I were you, I’d check out our written review of some of these Helix mattresses to get a better idea of what you’ll pick if you win! Never too late to start planning your next sleep adventure, ya’ know? Good luck, everybody!


Sarah Riccio

Sarah is the former senior writer and bedding expert at Sleepopolis. She received her degree in Creative Writing from Brooklyn College and spends her free time doing stand-up, making pasta, and hanging with her cats.

336 thoughts on “Helix Mattress Giveaway 2018!”

  1. I love Love LOVE this! I so could use a new mattress. My current one is from 1978 and it’s hard as a rock! Needing an upgrade!

  2. I would love to win. I can’t sleep on my current old 15 year old lumpy mattress. I could desperately use a good night’s sleep on an amazing mattress!

  3. I really like the Helix mattress brand, especially since there are so many mattresses available that you can choose from, allowing people to really hone in on a mattress that would be ideal for them. I would probably be most interested in the Twilight mattress that they offer since I am a side sleeper and the Twilight mattress was designed with side sleepers in mind. The Moonlight mattress also sounds like a mattress I would be interested in trying out since you can move around easily on it and I tend to twist and turn a lot when I sleep. Thanks for the fantastic opportunity to win!

  4. I would love one of your mattresses for a better nights sleep. I have fibro and haven’t found the right mattress at those big stores.
    Thank you for the wonderful chance

  5. I think the Helix mattress is a good quality mattress and I love that there are so many to choose from. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. After so many back surgeries and sleeping on the worlds worst mattress I need yours, so that The pain would go away.

  7. very innovative, new and different, great design, love the new technology used, looks very comfortable. nice quality material. nice pattern. everything i would love to have in a mattress. i hope i win. good luck to everybody, thank you for this opportunity. fingers crossed

  8. I think the Helix is my answer to a good night sleep. I’ve recently been in an accident which has left me tossing and turning. I wake up with a bad back and neck. Helix can provide the support that my current 10 year old mattress can’t.

  9. I am in need of a new mattress. Have been shopping for about a year and can’t decide…..and the Helix looks like it would be perfect. My old mattress is 19 years old and sagging and sagging and sagging.

  10. I think this appears to be a very comfortable mattress….and, in my opinion, that is all that counts. :-) Thank you.

  11. This would be amazing. My girlfriend and I both work at a children’s hospital and, let me just say, we need our sleep. We have been using a mattress that makes us both stiff and tired from tossing and turning all night. This would be an awesome mattress to help us feel better in the morning and give our best to the kiddos that need us.

  12. I could really use a new mattress and I’ve been looking at all these different brands that mail out a mattress in a box, it’s so cool! Your mattress looks like it’s very comfortable and is made from good materials, like it’ll last a long time!
    I would absolutely love the opportunity to win one of these mattresses! Thank you! ?

  13. If I should win this giveaway- you won’t see me in town,
    I’d much rather claim my prize and take it lying down.

    Of all of life’s essentials we could list here if you please.
    the simple truth is mattresses are life’s necessities.

    If I should get a phone call saying this is mine to keep,
    I’ll take my mattress home with me and cozy off to sleep.

  14. I appreciate all the thorough work you did in researching and reviewing the Helix mattress for this giveaway. I love the fact that the Helix mattress is custom-made for each user.

  15. Its amazing on how many different mattresses you have. The test was pretty cool. The Sunset is what our results came out. Thanks so much for this amazing opportunity.

  16. I like the fact the the line is not a ‘one size fits all’–they recognize that different sleepers require different types of mattresses.

  17. WOW!!! So much to pick from! So much great info!!! At this point I’m in love with the Moonlight mattress. I think I’d chose to upgrade the cover and get the Ultra Cool one! We need a medium firmness, I believe, because we’re both side sleepers. Thanks for the great review!

  18. I really like this mattress as it appears to be both soft and comfortable and at the same time gives good support. I love the variety of sizes too. It looks good!

  19. Sometimes it’s so hard to find the right kind of mattress & they are also so expensive, so your afraid of being stuck with the wrong choice.

  20. Awesome review❤?, I have read numerous reviews on this brand and I see that there is lots of good compliments?. I always look at reviews before making a final decision on a product before buying. I also make sure I add my own reviews to help others out with their decisions.
    I am going to keep entering the awesome giveaways and hope to be one of the proud owners of one of the mattresses and add my review?❤❤❤ .

  21. Would be amazing to be able to pick a mattress that would fit all my needs as a side sleeper with back and neck injuries. Now after a full 2 years of searching, I’m wondering if I’ll ever find my perfect fit. This would be wonderful, so desperately needed!

  22. I think the Helix mattress would work for my needs. I am a side sleeper with chronic pain and this shows excellent relief from pressure points. Great giveaway the I would love to win

  23. Mattress looks really comfortable. I love that it sleeps cool. I need a mattress so bad for my aching back. Thanks for the opportunity and chance.

  24. The Helix mattress looks phenomenal!!!I really wish that I had one! Looks so comfy!! Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity and AMAZING giveaway!

  25. I toss and turn every night, never getting a good nights sleep. I have been told that it’s probably because of the mattress. I would love to win one and test it out!

  26. It looks like an interesting choice. I have so many back problems and my current bed is at least 11 years old, so I REALLY need a new mattress.

  27. I really like the Dual Balanced and Dual Extra mattresses because you can utilize both sides depending on what you need. I’m chronically, and terminally, ill so it varies for me whether I need a firmer, or softer, mattress. I would choose one of these mattresses!

  28. I have a hard time sleeping and getting comfortable my back, neck and legs are always hurting.I toss and turn all night long.I think one of these beds would help me so much.

  29. I’m so happy & grateful to get this opportunity. I can’t even remember the last time I was able to get a good night’s sleep.My husband and I have been in severe car accidents, leading to severe pain issues. We have a previously owned matress, it’s so old and lumpy that it’s impossible to get comfortable and to get more than a few hours of sleep. I’m really praying that we’re winners… it would literally change our quality of life.

  30. This sounds like a good mattress for me. I am mostly a back sleeper but I do sleep on my side some. I also like the feel of memory foam but I don’t like being hot.

  31. I would love to win this mattress for my mom! She is disabled and cannot afford a new mattress. Her mattress is at least 30 years old and worn out. We can’t afford to buy her one as I’m also disabled. I would love to be able to win 2 because my husband and I also need a new mattress but my mom is more important.

  32. I really never new there were so many choices in mattresses. Without your reviews, I would have no clue. You do such a thorough job in telling the pros and cons. You were made for this job. I hope your mattress is the best there is; you deserve it for all of these tests.

  33. My husband and I both are in our 50s and suffer from Osteoarthritis. We really could use a new mattress and a decent night’s sleep. Can’t buy one at present….funds aren’t there and no debt, so winning would be amazing!

  34. Thank you for the chance to win this bed. I would love a new bed as my current bed is about 14 years old. I had it since I was growing up as a kid in California. I always wake up with a sore back so thank you for sharing this.

  35. With 9 different mattresses to choose from, I think Helix has everyone’s sleep modes accounted for!! I don’t think I would have any trouble finding the best one for me!!

  36. Can’t wait to win! I can’t fathom what it would be like to sleep in such comfort. I have arthritis in my hips and hopefully this would help

  37. I would be so grateful if I was chosen for this giveaway! I can’t even imagine what sleeping on a Helix mattress feels like! Thank you for the chance to win my dream bed!

  38. I need this mattress! It seems perfect and had my attention when it said it relieved pressure. I have back problems and this would be a perfect solution to my sleep problems.

  39. I would have such a hard time deciding on what type of Helix mattress is right for me. I love them all…thanks for the chance to win

  40. i definetly like the fact that although there is memory foam there is coil to keep it cool. also I like that the bed is a comfortable choice for side sleepers as i am one n have paon in my hips n back

  41. Looks like I need the Helix Midnight. I really do need a new mattress. After back surgery and several nerve burnings and other back and knee problems, I’m in desperate need of a new mattress. Thank you for the opportunity to WIN !!

  42. May I come work for you to test out bed? I’d love to be able to get a good night sleep on a new mattress and trying out different ones all of the time sounds rather “dreamy”, get LOL ok I’ll stop.

  43. I will love to win a new mattress please my mattress is old and they cost to much the one I have hurts my back I really need to win one ok. Thank for ur time.

  44. Nightfall is super intriguing. I wish they made a Plus version of Twilight. It seems ideal but wouldn’t be suitable enough for my weight.

  45. First, Thank you for the chance to win one of these great mattresses. I think they look very comfortable and sleep-worthy. Good Luck Everyone!!!!

  46. The Heliz mattresses look so comfortable and so many choices! Loving the 6 new additions which to choose!? Thanks for the amazing chance!

  47. I think the Helix mattress’s sounds wonderful with so many different ones to choose from.The Nightfall mattress would be great for my husband,but I need one for side sleeping with hip pain.

  48. I need a new MATTRESS. The one we have is messing with my marriage. It’s so uncomfortable that my husband sleeps most nights on the couch. Just think, if you pick me you’d be saving our marriage. Lol We didn’t have a choice in picking this one. We got it through a state run program. Stinks. HELP

  49. After two major surgeries, I’ve found it difficult to get a good nights sleep. I would love the opportunity to get a Helix mattress that would help me gain quality of life again. Good luck!

  50. At 70 years old now and suffering with a genetic disorder that tortures my body, I could use a new mattress for sure and sleeping is something that is difficult for me due to pain. Would love to win one of your mattresses. Thank you.

  51. Really need a new mattress, the one I’m sleeping on , if you can call it sleeping, is killing my back and neck since my 2 surgeries.

  52. I used to sell bedding for a living at one point and this is amazing. My husband and I could really use this. We spend 1/3 of our lives in our bed so what a wonderful product this is!

  53. I’m desperately in need and want of a new mattress. Thanks for the detailed information and giveaway.Nice that you noted what is bestfor heavy sleepers.#love #believe #win #please

  54. I like the variety of sizes and firmness levels ,there is even a soft and cushy one for me,these look very comfortable and I love the pressure relief they provide.

  55. My mattress is over 25 years old and it has held up very well as had a warranty for that long, but really need a newer more comfortable one as have many health issues (GERD), thanks for opportunity, ❤️LOVE TO WIN!!❤️

  56. This mattress seems perfect for my back. It takes me 45mins to get out of bed each more because my bed is so hard and kills my back. It doesnt help that i already have chronic back pain.

  57. My fiancé and I are getting married on the 28th and we’re moving into our new home November 1st! Winning this mattress would be the icing on the cake! <3

  58. I like how versatile the Helix mattress is & the sleep quiz with color code is really helpful in knowing where to start with the beand!! Keeping my fingers crossed for this giveaway, thanks for the opportunity Sleepopolis!! ✌??

  59. Oh I did a really good review on these Mattresses.. I have a Very Severe Back Stonosis, and from 3 Previous Surgeries, I was actually
    i of the First Recipient of the Spinal Fusion in 1980, and it Failed
    Miserably.. So now I’m stuck with Scar tissue growing around my Spine
    and its only a Matter of Time.. I also had Both Hips Replaced a couple years ago, and can finally lay on my side.. I would need the Hardest
    One their is, and it would be for my Adjustable Frame ( Double ) No
    way I will ever be able to Buy one on my own So I will keep Putting my
    name in your Sweeps, and I Thank you for that and for listening.. I do have a Disc of my Back if I would have to Prove it.. Jeffrey Massey

  60. I would be happy with any of the mattresses that you are given away for I have not had a new mattress and over 25 years it would be awesome

  61. The Nightfall Mattress looks like a dream come true. Im 5’10.and my husband is 5.7 but over 300 lbs.with sleep apnea. Our bed is so old, if we get a few hours of rest, we still wake up more tired than when we passed out.ANY sleep is precious in this house, but we are getting older and tired of running on fumes. Thank ypu so much.Very grateful for the chance.

  62. Thank you for another chance. Fingers crossed. Would absolutely love to surprise my husband with his he has fibromyalgia and sleeps on the couch.

  63. I think I would love this mattress. It looks like it’s so comfortable and it wouldn’t make my back hurt. Could use a new mattress. Trying to find one but hard to find a comfortable.

  64. I really wish I had one of these. I am currently seeing a Chiropractor but I think if I had the right mattress it would solve alot of my problems.

  65. Wow, I’m currently shopping for a new mattress, and I’m impressed with the line of mattresses from Helix… I’m particularly interested in the “dual” mattresses! This would be great to win.


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