Teens and Sleep: How Much They Really Need (And Why It’s So Important)

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teens and sleep

Long Story Short

  • Teens aged 13 to 18 need 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night. (1)
  • 73 percent of high school teens are sleep deprived. The average teen gets about 7.25 hours of sleep per night, although the research related to sleep duration among teens is mixed.  (2) (3)
  • When teenagers get enough sleep, they demonstrate improved attention span, memory, emotional regulation, and mental and physical health.
  • Up to 24 percent of school grade performance variance is influenced by sleep duration, quality, and consistency, meaning it plays a significant role in helping or hurting academic outcomes. (4)
  • Teens face a lot of barriers to sleep, like social media, early school start times, and technology use.
  • About 83 percent of U.S. high schools start earlier than the American Academy of Pediatrics advised start time of 8:30 a.m. (5)
  • Teens can get better sleep through good sleep hygiene, later school start times, and prioritizing sleep over extracurricular activities.

The teenage years are full of firsts — adolescents walk the rocky and winding path of puberty, transforming from children to adults in a few short years. And while their bodies grow and mature, their brains undergo a renovation of their own. All this change requires a lot of sleep, but teens and sleep don’t always mix, and this age group often doesn’t get enough. Read on to learn about how much sleep teens need, what can happen if they don’t get it, and how to help them achieve the right amount of snoozing.

Note: The content on Sleepopolis is meant to be informative in nature, but it shouldn’t be taken as medical advice, and it shouldn’t take the place of medical advice and supervision from a trained professional. If you feel you or your teen may be suffering from any sleep disorder or medical condition, please see your healthcare provider immediately.

How Much Sleep Should a Teenager Get?

Teens need between eight and 10 hours of sleep per night. (1) While you may feel like your teen sleeps most of the day away, experts have found that a lot of teens don’t get enough sleep. (6) According to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, children and teens need different amounts of sleep each day depending on their age range: (1)

  • 1 to 2 years old: 11 to 14 hours (including naps) 
  • 3 to 5 years old: 10 to 13 hours (including naps) 
  • 6 to 12 years old: 9 to 12 hours
  • 13 to 18 years old: 8 to 10 hours

Knowing the optimal amount of sleep for teenagers is one thing, but helping them get what they need may be easier said than done. Although research results vary, recent studies show around 73 percent of teens get less than eight hours of sleep per night. (6) (7) Sleep loss builds up night after night, and teens may not be able to fully pay off their sleep debt during the weekend. (8) (9)

Your teen goes into “sleep debt” when they get less than eight hours of sleep at night. (9) Say they slept six hours Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. With two hours less than they need per night, they would have six hours of sleep debt they have to make up on the weekend.

We’ll let you know how you can promote better (and longer) sleep in your teens, but first, let’s take a look at why it’s so important.

Why Is Sleep Important for Teens?

You may be watching your teen grow an inch a month, but their brains are developing just as fast. When teenagers sleep their body repairs itself, creates new cells, solidifies memories, and fights off infections. (10) When teens get adequate snooze time, they can experience better: (1)

  • Attention span
  • Behavior
  • Emotional regulation
  • Memory
  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Quality of life

And of course, sleep provides teens with valuable time to recharge. “With so many other stressors in life, it’s very important for [teens] to get a full night’s sleep to be able to manage academic, social and hormonal changes,” Dr. June Seliber-Klein, MD, neurologist and sleep medicine physician tells Sleepopolis.

Emotional Health 

Most people get a little cranky when they skimp on sleep. But for teenagers, the effects of sleep deprivation can be even more pronounced. (11) Emotional health and mental health are closely linked, but emotions specifically refer to strong feelings toward a person or object as a reaction to an event. Emotions can cause physical effects, too: They can make your heart race and your hands clammy. Not the best recipe for sleep!

Sleep deprivation can lower teens’ ability to regulate their emotions and behavior. (12) Good sleep, on the other hand, promotes better mood and faster sensory processing when emotional situations hit them throughout the day. (13)

Physical Health and Development

Teens do some of their best growing during sleep. Without anything else to worry about, their bodies can concentrate on development. “The growth hormone is secreted during deep sleep, and we want them to continue to get those important surges [of that hormone],” Seliber-Klein says. (14)

Growth and development aside, teens also need sleep to maintain good health. “Teens who are sleep-deprived are more likely to be overweight or obese, have difficulty controlling their emotions, and have problems with their memory and concentration,” sleep medicine physician Dr. Chester Wu, MD tells Sleepopolis. Poor sleep has also been linked to: (6) (15

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased risk for cardiac events
  • Less physical activity
  • Pain in the lower back, neck, and abdomen

Mental Health 

As kids navigate the turbulent teen years, they are more prone to mental health disturbances. In fact, about 50 percent of adult mental health issues first crop up during adolescence. (16) Sleep-deprived teens are at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and behavior problems. (15) (17) With the mental health deck stacked against them, it’s that much more important that they get the sleep they need. (6) (18) On the flip side, when teens get good sleep, they find they can tackle mountains of homework, balance music lessons with baseball practice, or memorize their lines for the school play with gusto!

Academic Performance 

Have you ever tried to complete a complex task after a terrible night’s sleep? Making sense of a weekly report at work, or even trying to make a grocery list can feel overwhelming when you’re running on fumes. At school, teens are learning at breakneck speed. New concepts are thrown at them daily, and sleep allows the brain to remember what they learned the day before, as well as cram more new information in.  

“Academically, sleep is essential for concentration, memory retention, and cognitive function, all of which are necessary for school performance. Teens who are sleep-deprived are more likely to have difficulty paying attention, learning new information, and completing schoolwork,” says Wu. (6)


Teenagers often get a bad rap for making some not-so-excellent choices during their youth. That’s because the rapid changes in the adolescent brain make them more sensitive to perceived reward. (19) For example, when they try alcohol or take a chance with a romantic interest, the strong feelings that follow can leave them searching for more. 

Once their brains get a taste of these rewards, it can make teens more willing to take risks to feel that rush again. Insufficient sleep can heighten their desire to try more risky experiences and potentially make some poor decisions. (19

Why Do Teens Stay Up Late? Sleep Deprivation Explained

Teenagers stay up later due to their circadian rhythm, or biological clock changes in adolescence—they naturally fall into a later sleep-wake cycle, and melatonin is released later in the evening for them than adults, which may cause teens to stay up and sleep later. (20)

Teens can quickly get sleep deprived between the desire to stay up late and early morning responsibilities. “Teenage sleep needs are significant,” Wu says, “and academic pressures, extracurricular activities, and socializing can limit the time available for sleep.” 

If you’re still wondering why sleep is so important for this age group, check out these teen sleep statistics:

  • The CDC reports that about 70 percent of high school students don’t get enough sleep each night. (7)
  • Teen girls may get less sleep and lower quality sleep than teen boys. (21)
  • One study showed that using Facebook and Messenger were the most common reason teenagers go to sleep late, followed closely by playing cell phone games and doing homework. (22)
  • Students who get less sleep at night are more likely to participate in negative classroom behavior, which impacts academic performance. (22)
  • Insomnia in adolescence may be under-reported and underdiagnosed, which leads to missed treatment opportunities. (11
  • Today’s teenagers are getting less sleep than their parents or grandparents did at their age. (23)

Early School Start Times

About 83 percent of all U.S. high schools start before 8:00 a.m. even though the American Academy for Pediatrics suggests a school start time no earlier than 8:30 am to ensure teens get enough sleep. (5) (15) (24

“The timing of sleep matters,” says Wu. “Studies have shown that later school start times align better with teens’ natural circadian rhythms, leading to improved academic and health outcomes.” Research shows that later school start times may lead to better mood, fewer symptoms of depression, fewer sick days, healthier weight, and lower caffeine intake among teens. (15) One 2022 study even showed that later school start times decreased teenage drowsy driving by 33 percent. (25)

Social Media

Studies have shown social media use has a strong connection with poor sleep. (26) Between the blue light shining on teens’ faces and all the emotions they can feel as they scroll through their friends’ highlight reels, social media can steal sleep through melatonin suppression, anxiety, and feelings of depression. Teens who use social media are more likely to fall asleep later and have trouble falling back to sleep when they wake up at night. (26

Since social media came on the scene, teens have latched onto the trend with fierce tenacity, with 81 percent reporting they use these platforms. (27) According to recent surveys, almost 20 percent of teens watch YouTube almost constantly, and about 15 percent spend a majority of their freetime on TikTok and Snapchat. (28

According to recent research, teens spend an average of 7.5 hours a day online, and 86 percent say they fall asleep with their phone in their hands or tucked under their pillow. (30) Experts also tell us social media use is linked to depression in teens — plus, the more hours they use social media on average, the worse their sleep gets. (30)

Screen Time

Teens use smart devices an average of 7.5 hours a day, according to research. (30) And while the American Academy of Pediatrics used to recommend fewer than 2 hours of screen time per day, they now say no one number works for every teen. You can work with your children to define good quality screen time (like for education and communication) and limit screen activities that may disrupt your child’s well-being, such as too much social media time. (31)

Some screen use can be beneficial: One 2022 study found that some screen use can promote improved problem-solving, memory, planning, and research ability. (32) Experts have also tied some social media use to more socialization, social support, and social connection. (32) (33

These benefits are tempered, though, by timing and amount of use. For example, late-night screens expose teenagers to blue light, which is no friend to sleep. “Blue light emitted [from screens] can interfere with melatonin production, making it difficult to fall asleep, and the content/scrolling itself can be fairly addictive and/or arousing,” Wu notes. Screen time can also include TV, movies, and video games. (34)

Too Much Caffeine

We can relate to this one — caffeinated drinks have grown in popularity among teens in recent years, and caffeine is a known enemy to sleep. Four in ten parents say their teens consume caffeine most days, and in this age group, caffeine can make it harder to fall asleep and lead to less sleep time and worse sleep quality. (35) (36) (37) Then, when teens sleep badly, they load up on even more caffeine the next day! (37)

Experts tell us no dose of caffeine is 100 percent safe for children, although pediatricians typically advise limiting caffeine intake to 100 mg daily (about one cup of coffee) for teenagers. (38)

Academic Pressure

The pressure to perform academically can cause stress in any student, and stress can keep teens awake or fragment their sleep, says Wu. Sleep loss in teens can up their stress levels and dampen academic performance. (39) However, as they get better zzzs, they will be able to concentrate better, remember more, and maybe even enjoy school. (gasp!)

After-School Activities

Sandwiched between the school day and late-night scrolling are the many activities teens get involved in during the school year. “[Teens] have hours of homework, which keeps them up late into the night, and some may have after-school jobs or activities,” says Seliber-Klein. 

While keeping your teen engaged in after school activities may seem like a good thing, it’s important not to overload them: One study found that teens who had more than three or four hours of extracurricular activities were more likely to engage in behavioral problems like bullying or fighting, possibly because they don’t have time to rest and decompress. (40

Still, extracurriculars can provide many benefits — like exercise — which can improve sleep. (41) But some studies have found too many can eat into sleep time. (42) Extra activities before school can especially disrupt teenage sleep by interrupting their natural circadian rhythm. And many parents report a lot of pressure to get their teens busy with extracurriculars for a strong college application. (43) (44) The key here is balance: It’s good for teens to be engaged, but it’s equally as important that they have adequate time for rest. 

Sleep Disorders

Sometimes sleep eludes us all: the wind-down from a jam-packed day, that afternoon cup o’ Joe, or an impending test or event can keep sleep at bay. But lost sleep isn’t always situational — a sleep disorder may be the culprit. Sleep disorders can affect almost 20 percent of adolescents and cause chronic sleep deprivation and all the side effects that brings. Some sleep disorders in teens include: (6)

  • Insomnia: a common sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall asleep and/or stay asleep.
  • Narcolepsy: a disorder that includes falling asleep anytime, anywhere, and without warning.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea: a medical condition that can pause your breathing on and off throughout the night, waking you up or making you snore.
  • Restless leg syndrome: a disorder that causes an uncontrollable need to move your limbs.

Mental Health Conditions

We mentioned earlier that poor sleep can lead to mental health issues, but this relationship goes both ways: Mental health issues can also cause disrupted sleep. (45) (46) Luckily, the bidirectional nature of mental health and sleep means that if you treat one, the other often improves.

Neurological Disorders

Teens with neurological disorders like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and learning disorders can experience more sleep woes than their peers. While up to 20 percent of adolescents experience sleep disorders, that number can rise to 44 percent for teenagers with neurological disorders. (47) Fortunately, many of these disorders are treatable, and with treatment, sleep can fall in line.

Sleep Hygiene for Teens

As with adults, the answer to better sleep for teens starts with good sleep hygiene. “Improve sleep hygiene [by] setting a cutoff time for caffeine around noon or in the early afternoon, limiting screens in the hour or so before bed, and [using] techniques to calm anxiety and stress before bed like listening to calming music, reading a book, or taking a bath,” Wu says. (6)

Some other options for better sleep include:

In general, teens and parents may need to look at their schedule together and make some changes. “Better time management during the day might also be necessary to make sure homework gets done earlier in the day and doesn’t cut into sleep time,” Wu says. Consider taking a look at the amount of extracurricular activities or hours spent on screen time that may be cutting into your teen’s sleep schedule. 

Teens may not always want to listen to parental advice, but you can still steer them in the right direction. “Focus on making sleep a priority,” says Seliber-Klein, who suggests the following actions to promote good sleep in teens:

  • Avoid screens and scrolling on the phone after 9 o’clock.
  • Ask your teen how they would like to schedule their after-school time between activities, screens, homework, and sleep. 
  • Discuss with a healthcare provider how important sleep is to physical goals, academic goals, and mood.
  • Get bright early morning light shortly after awakening. Even 10 to 15 minutes is helpful to reset the body’s clock.
  • Keep the same schedule on the weekends and weekdays. (Why are you laughing?)
  • Work with the school board to lobby for later school start times for teens.

Parents can support their teens by encouraging and modeling good sleep habits, says Wu. He also encourages parents to advocate for later school start times where possible and to speak with their teen’s healthcare provider if sleep issues continue.


Why do teens stay up late?

Teens go through a shift in adolescence that changes their circadian rhythm and pushes their sleep cycle back. Their melatonin also gets released later, which makes them alert later into the evening. (14) (15)

How much sleep should a 12-year-old get?

Twelve-year-olds need nine to 12 hours of sleep each night, according to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (1)

How much sleep does a 13-year-old need?

Thirteen-year-olds should get eight to 10 hours of sleep every night, according to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (1)

Is 7 hours of sleep enough for a teenager?

Seven hours of sleep is not enough for a teenager, who needs eight to 10 hours of sleep nightly for their best health. (1)

Is 6 hours of sleep enough for a teenager?

Six hours of sleep is not enough for a teenager, who need eight to 10 hours of sleep nightly for their best health. (1)

Why do teens go to sleep and wake up late?

Teenagers experience a biological shift when it comes to their circadian rhythm. They naturally fall into a later sleep-wake cycle, meaning melatonin is released later in the evening and drops later in the morning. (14) (15)

How can lack of sleep cause anger and anxiety in teens?

When a teenager doesn’t get enough sleep, a part of their brain called the amygdala can’t work like it’s supposed to. The amygdala manages emotions, and when teens get poor sleep, it can cause an inappropriate response to events. (48)

How many teens have sleep apnea?

According to the American Heart Association, up to six percent of children and teenagers have sleep apnea, and sleep apnea is diagnosed in 30 to 60 percent of teens who meet obesity criteria. (49)

The Last Word From Sleepopolis

Teenagers need sleep, and quite a bit of it. It can feel overwhelming to try and change your family’s routine, but anything that promotes sleep in teens will be well worth the effort. You can start with small adjustments and build up to bigger ones. Keep your teen in the loop on decisions, and they may surprise you by making responsible choices. If nothing seems to work, feel free to reach out to your child’s healthcare provider, and they can help with next steps.

Abby McCoy

Abby McCoy

About Author

Abby McCoy is an RN of 16 years who has worked with adults and pediatric patients encompassing trauma, orthopedics, home care, transplant, and case management. She has practiced nursing all over the world from San Fransisco, CA to Tharaka, Kenya. Abby loves spending time with her husband, four kids, and their cat named Cat.